Friday, February 5, 2010

Salary Of A Periodontist In Canada Is A Periodontist A Good Profession?

Is a Periodontist a Good Profession? - salary of a periodontist in canada

You know, I have in this race was and remains important to make a new career and want to know if anyone has heard which a periodontist, and the employment situation is good pay and good!


ericthed... said...

It's come a long way to go, but it's a great job ... I school in 2009, I'm starting with my periodontal use.

You need the first dental school, 4 years ... periodontal then school is over 3 years. You get to do many interesting things, such as dental implants, extractions, gum surgery and cool as.

Go to Dental School, then decide where to go from there ... is possible for a different specialty you prefer to be found.

nancy s said...

It would be a great profession in if you are interested in the treatment of periodontal disease, correction of bone defects going preparation of sites for implants, gum grafts, etc. We are living longer, connected these days, and the majority of tooth loss with gum disease Since the discovery of fluorine. I think the race has a high probability of success and profit. Most specialties professed Sions very good money.

nancy s said...

It would be a great profession in if you are interested in the treatment of periodontal disease, correction of bone defects going preparation of sites for implants, gum grafts, etc. We are living longer, connected these days, and the majority of tooth loss with gum disease Since the discovery of fluorine. I think the race has a high probability of success and profit. Most specialties professed Sions very good money.

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